Texas Sage Dentistry

Worst Foods For Your Oral Health

Worst Foods For Your Oral Health

While your mouth is capable of handling many foods without difficulty, there are certain foods that are likely to cause problems. The following foods are known to lead to tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease:

  • Hard candy

Hard candy is one of the most infamous culprits when it comes to tooth decay. One reason for this is that it sticks to your teeth and essentially “seals” them in sugar. In addition, most hard candies also have very acidic flavors that are corrosive to the enamel on your teeth.

  • Popcorn

Popcorn is one of the worst foods for your oral health. It gets stuck between your teeth and gums. This can cause plaque and bacteria to build up, which leads to tooth decay. 

  • Ice

Chewing on hard ice seems harmless, but it actually puts a lot of stress on your enamel. If you chew on hard ice frequently, it can crack and chip your enamel, which can lead to tooth decay and cavities. Also, cold water is bad for your enamel because it can pull away the minerals in your enamel and make them more susceptible to tooth decay.

  • Sticky candy

Sticky candy, such as gummy bears, taffy, and caramels, are some of the worst foods for your teeth and gums. In fact, sticky candy is one of the worst offenders of tooth decay. This is because sticky candy can easily stick to your teeth, which causes plaque to build up. The bacteria on the candy can feed on the leftover sugar, which can cause tooth enamel erosion.

  • Peanut butter

Peanut butter can be good for your oral health because it contains vitamins and minerals. However, it also contains natural oils and sugars that can stick to the teeth and encourage tooth decay. It’s smart to avoid or limit your consumption of peanut butter throughout your day. As an alternative, you may want to try some healthy fruits like apples and grapes.

  • Dried fruit

Dried fruit is sticky, and that stickiness can easily cause debris build-up between your teeth, as well as in the crevices of your teeth. Because bacteria love sugar, this can also be a haven for bacteria. It takes a lot of chewing to eat dried fruit, and that can also lead to problems with tooth wear.

  • Sports drinks

Sports drinks are extremely popular. However, they can cause tooth staining, cavities, and erosion. First, sports drinks are highly acidic. They contain acid, which wears away your tooth enamel. Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, and it protects teeth from cavities and decay. When enamel erodes, teeth become more susceptible to cavities.

Sports drinks also contain sugar, which feeds cavity-causing bacteria. For this reason, we recommend drinking water while exercising instead of sports drinks.

  • Soda

Soda is a major culprit when it comes to tooth decay. Sodas are especially bad for teeth because they contain acids that can erode the enamel on your teeth. Enamel is one of the hardest substances in your body, so once it is worn away, it cannot be replaced. This means that once your enamel is gone, it’s gone for good.

  • Alcohol

Alcohol is a major problem when it comes to oral health. Not only does alcohol contain high amounts of sugar, but it also increases your risk of oral cancer. Alcohol is a carcinogen, which means it increases the risk of cancer cells developing. Oral cancer is serious and will affect more than just your oral health. 

  • Coffee

Coffee, tea, and wine all contain high amounts of acid. These drinks can erode your tooth enamel and cause tooth sensitivity. If you do drink these beverages, make sure to use a straw. This will reduce the amount of contact with your teeth. Drinking water after drinking these beverages can help rinse away acid and sugar from your teeth.

To learn more about our dental services, call Texas Sage Dentistry at  (972) 562-0197 to schedule your one-on-one consultation with top McKinney, TX dentist Dr. Barret Davidson today!

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